Archive for the ‘Random Topic Posts’ Category

They Are Canadian

Monday, March 30th, 2009

If you live anywhere in Canada and watch TV you know that Molson’s puts out beer commercials that have a strange twist to them. They are the “I Am Canadian” spots. Yesterday afternoon Linda and I went for a drive… yep, around the harbour… and as we crossed over the canal lift bridge we saw on the lake side what I thought a strange site that displays a bit of the Canadian heart.

There they were, three men in the water. Only five degrees air temperature. I can only guess at how cold the winter water was. The wind was a brisk 50-60kph. The waves were only two feet high… OK, maybe a few were two and half feet high. The waves were about eight feet apart. If you have been to the beach you know that the waves rise fast and crash fast. Three, perhaps four seconds, is the total life expectancy of each wave. What were those three men doing in the water?

Surfing the waves. They would paddle their boards out about seventy feet from the beach where the waves started to build. Then they would sit on their boards until they saw a good size wave begin to build (remember only two and half feet at its best) and begin to paddle with their hands. Quick powerful strokes. Oops, the wave passed them. They try again… and again… sigh!

If you would have waited long enough you saw the coming wave, the early paddle, quick responses and a quicker jump to their feet… and they are up and riding the wave curl as it begins to crest. Then five feet closer to the beach and the wave finishes crashing. They rode their boards for a good second… maybe a second and a half. That was it. Start to finish the whole thing was over in less than five frantic seconds.

California Dreaming? Doing the surf scene? Plenty of girls? Beach parties? No Way… They Are Canadian!

The Calendar Says Spring

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Yep, I’ve read the posts on other sites. They have been saying that spring is here for the past month. Everyone seems to have their own sign of spring. My “time piece” to measure the seasons sits in the back sun-room. It is a strange lily we put back there three years ago. The first spring was announced by one flower. The second by two flowers. The third spring, yup, by three flowers. If this keeps up by the next century there should be ninety-three flowers. I can hardly wait.

Michael and the Dancer

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

One day little Michael was on his way home from a Torah class… The little fellow really enjoyed the stories his rabbi would tell him. He would talk about the water of purification, the articles for temple service and the sacrifices. All woven together to teach and entertain the budding scholars. Then he came across Mrs. Bibi. She was a wonderful old lady who liked to dye her hair a blazing red. Not a gray hair to be seen. She always had a smile and a treat. Come in to my house Michael, I have a nice piece of apple pie I have been saving for you.

Well Michael never passed by a free desert. He knew his mother approved of these visits. So he runs into the house. Seated in a big overstuffed chair Michael dangled his feet over the edge. The smell of the pie filled his nostrils. When Bibi came out of the kitchen she had a small tray with the pie and a glass of milk on it.

This was second best part. He loved to eat Bibi’s treats but even more he loved to hear her tell of her days on the stage. She used to be one of the “Rockets” who kick stepped to the music. As was her habit she took out a cigarette and began smoking it. Yes, that is a bit unhealthy. As she talked about dancing and the people she met she would flick her ashes into the ashtray by her side.

The little boy became excited not only over the story but also about her ashtray. One pie and several cigarettes later the story was over. The little boy jumped up and asked her if he could empty the ashtray for her. She was surprised by the offer but allowed him to do it. Michael quickly jumped down from the chair, took the ashtray and went to the kitchen. He saw a brown paper bag on the counter and shouted to Bibi asking if he could have it. She called back that it was OK.

Michael then picked out the butts from the ashtray and threw them in the trash. Then carefully he poured the ashes into the small bag. He folded it over once and then once again. He placed the bag in his pocket. When he came out he gave her a thank you and a hug. Then out the door.

He didn’t go home. The boy ran back to the synagogue looking for the rabbi. Once he found him the boy said he had a very important prize. “What,” the rabbi asked. The boy said it was something for the temple services when it gets rebuilt. Confused the rabbi asked what it could be and the boy handed to him the bag. Opening the bag the rabbi saw some gray ashes at the bottom. He scratched his head. He looked down at Michael. Michael then said it was something the rabbi said was needed. The rabbi still confused thanked the little boy for this “gift.”

Later that evening Michael was in bed and he thanked God for the opportunity for finding this prized substance needed for the water of purification. As he closed his eyes he thought how easy it was to find…

The ashes of a red hoofer.


The Tabernacle of Meeting

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

I started reading “the copper scroll” by Joel C Rosenberg. The last in his series I think. It is taking a little longer than usual to get through the book. I guess he has to mention the prophecies in each book in case people haven’t read the earlier books. By this time though it is beginning to sound more like an infomercial. You guessed it… tedious.

Now… that isn’t what I want to write about. It just niggled something in my mind. Last night at 3:00am it finally popped into my head. We all know that the third temple is going to be built. It is said that the antichrist is going to place the abomination that causes desolation in the holy of holies. Then at some point in the next few years Jesus returns to the earth to set up his kingdom. Everyone assumes that the temple will be the one written about in Ezekiel. I wonder if that is true.

What came to my mind is “does it have to be the temple?” Could it not be the tent of meeting instead. Could the treasure that the copper scroll is pointing to be the Tabernacle of Witness that Moses commissioned in the Sinai. If this is the case then the Jews could build it/erect it anywhere in Israel. Come to think of it, why didn’t the Jews set up the Tabernacle after the Temple was destroyed in 70ad? OK, that’s another question for another day.

Do you know of anyplace in scripture where the antichrist must erect the abomination in Ezekiel’s temple? I don’t recall anything off hand. Of course I could get a positive answer to that really quickly. I’ll let the Greek and Hebrew language scholars sift that one.

Hmmm… why didn’t the Jews build a tabernacle? OK, right, another day.

Coyote Alert

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

You may have read the story about a coyote being seen at the beaches in Hamilton. Last night I went for a drive around the bay. My usual route was taken, going clock-wise. After I crossed the lift bridge I aimed my car to take the the side access that leads to Beach Blvd. Just before my turn, in the shadows, I saw something moving across the street. As I began to turn I saw that Wile E Coyote walking 25 feet from me. It was an excellent animal. Not the first I have seen but the first in Hamilton. Spying that particular animal made the drive worthwhile. Now if I can only spot the Roadrunner. One minute… I have seen a roadrunner in Hamilton. Must have been 30 years ago. Back then it wasn’t just a bird but a muscle car. Yeah, but I would still like to see the bird.

Obama and the Stock Market

Friday, February 20th, 2009

So, the stock market has been going down sharply the last couple of days. It is no surprise to me. The $780b stimulus package is huge. Yet the people who work the money don’t believe that the plan is going to work. Why? Perhaps for the same reason I have… Don’t trust the Democrats in both houses… don’t believe and don’t trust Obama to really be able to handle this.

I saw it coming. When? Back when Obama was still running for the presidency. At first I thought it was my imagination. So I started to pay a little more attention to who was ahead during the Democrats primaries and caucuses. Later I observed the action between Obama and McCain. Seemed like every time Obama took the lead prior to the convention and later the run for the office the New York Stock Exchange took a tumble. If he did badly? The exchange would go up.

I took this to mean that if Obama won the election the money people would be careful how they invested or in this case divested their holdings. Am I saying that the financial troubles we are in are Obama’s fault? Absolutely not. Obama’s rallying cry was “Yes We Can.” However the people who hold the purse strings are saying “No We Can’t.”

To get out of this mess you first need to understand what got us into this mess. Correct those things no matter how politically dangerous it would be. Then take “targeted and timely” measures to stimulate the economy. They have done the stimulus first… and it seems truly understanding how we got here is being avoided. Sadly for many people this will be a rough ride.

Father, there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is death. Father, there is a way out. They don’t see it yet. Change their hearts Lord… open their eyes… so that they see, understand and repent. Watch over your people Father… give them the knowledge to stay ahead of this problem and where they cannot… provide for us. In Jesus name…

From Russia with Love

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

There are Russians out there that have a passion for my site. They are always commenting on how cool my blog name and address are. They wish they could add my site to their rss readers. They love my site so much that they say the same thing several times a day.

Wait a minute…

These comments are the same…

Ah ha! They have the exact same IP. Different names… Different emails… Same IP!

Rats… it’s not an open door to evangelising the land of Gog and Magog. It is simply SPAM from one source.

Time to block the IP. Guess what? They will be back in less than a week with a slightly different IP. Professing their love for my site once again. I just wish they weren’t that persistent.


Updating WordPress

Saturday, February 14th, 2009

In wordpress 2.7, which I have on my server, they made it possible to do automatic updates. Today was my first time using it. Top of the page they said version 2.7.1 was available. They had a link to hit to auto update. Ah… that was so nice. It did everything. It took about two minutes of absolute silence and then the page changed saying it was done. This is the improvement I have been waiting for so long. So no more posts about updating… I hope… because it couldn’t be easier or less stressful.


The Store

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

There was never any guess what was supposed to happen when I left the store. It was well planned out long before this moment. Yet, the execution was off. That is why the man standing behind me got the bullet that was meant for me. Just one more instance of a person being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The second shot was not planned. I could hear the sonic boom of the round missing my head by inches. This round too found an unplanned for target. The mannequin in the store window had its head explode into a cloud of dust. My pulse rate climbed with each shot. Sweat began to cloud my vision as the stinging liquid found my eyes. A quick and fevered look to find the person who is so intent on ending my life. Most people were scattering in every direction. Some fell to the ground where they stood too frightened to move. Out of the corner of my eye I see an arm rising toward me and I throw myself to the left in a roll and jumped back into the store. The next round passed through the space I just vacated. I try hiding behind a chair. Another round slams into the chair that I am hiding behind. It rips through the fabric. Tiny specs of molten polyester sting my cheeks and eyes, the round passing that close to my face. I crawl along the floor looking for a better place to hide. A quick look reveals that my antagonist is angry, frustrated and marching toward me. He ejects the clip from his firearm and slams a new magazine into the handle. He actions the slide and a new round chambers. A new attack as he rushes forward. Half standing half crawling I move toward the exit. I hit the door running. I slam into the door but it does not give. Someone has the door locked against fire code rules. I turn to see a man standing in the doorway of the store. He begins to walk closer to me. His arm begins to rise. I see the nickel plated gun in his hand. I can’t run left or right. I am trapped by this madman. Ten feet from me. His mouth begins to form a smile. He slows. The gun is now pressed to my forehead. I look into his eyes. Mere slits show only the black of his pupils. “Why” I stammer. He smiles broadly. “Asshole” he whispers. I don’t hear the click of the hammer. Nor do I hear the roar or see the flash. I am dead before I hit the floor. My brain matter splattered against the unyielding exit. Above my body I float waiting for… what? My next incarnation of life? A band of angels coming to get me? Perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel? I don’t know. All I can think of is, “what did my twin brother do now?”

Obama – the President?

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

A New Kind of Presidential Leadership

A New Kind of Presidential Leadership

I can just imagine what Canadians are thinking about Barak Obama. Our country, being mostly liberal, thought George Bush was an idiot anti-christ. Well, the conservative in me thinks that Bush will one day be heralded as one of the great Presidents. But Obama? No, not the anti-christ, not this liberal left leaning icon. No, they think of him as a messiah ready to usher in a golden age.

Personally I hope that he does well. The world economy needs him to do well. But his stimulus plan? Our stimulus plan? A big mistake. A cornucopia of spending initiatives that will break the heart, (and bank-account) of those who have been saving for retirement. Wait till the hyper inflation kicks in down the road.

Before the economy tanked I thought liberal programs were going to be Obama’s legacy of sin and death. Now he will be able to expand his legacy by ushering in poverty.