Was it just yesterday that the US Senate passed a bill adding sexual orientation to the protected classes? Such a vague addition don’t you think? What does it mean?
There seems to be a great need for government to create a class of super crimes against humanity. These super crimes are anything that causes harm to one of the protected groups under this new bill. Homosexuality, Transgendered, Transvestite and God knows what else is now protected against hate speech. Why am I talking about speech and not the act itself? Because pastors who want to preach the whole word of God will be charged if they cross this vague line of protection.
Yes, I believe that crimes should be punished… I just don’t think that because someone else thinks your words are hateful (even though your words are not) the punishment must be greater. The Christian community will be attacked in the states not because they commit the crimes but they “incited” the attack because of their speech. How many pastors will avoid talking about sins that cause spiritual death because they don’t want to get charged for the crime of someone else? It is meant to gag the Christian who speaks the truth in love (or not) because the message is not received by the unrepentant.
This is such a flawed law now. What sexually perverse acts will now be protected. The law talks of sexual orientation… what of bestiality? Sex with Children? What else? Someone said the number of orientations is thirty. It is a sloppy law to strike with the widest and biggest fist those who object to the new normal.
We have our own hate crimes legislation in Canada. It is used on occasion to attack the speech of others who are concerned about the spiritual direction this country is taking. As sin heats up there is a chill blowing across Christian speech.
Lord Jesus we need your Spirit to touch the hearts of those in the legislatures of Canada and the provinces. Only you can turn the tide and bring back a wayward country. Before speech can truly be protected a new Spirit must first be in the people. Release your Spirit Lord. Revive this nation and revive the US.