I have been on the web now for about eight years. In that time my site has undergone many changes. Just finished going through the files on my server and deleting a mess of them. Funny how things accumulate. Old projects started or tested and then abandoned. I guess it was reflecting my habit of keeping things around because I may find use for them at some point in the future. Naturally it became rubbish that needed to be tossed into the garbage. :O
I get quite a few visitors to my site. The sad thing is that I don’t get a good representative share of these visitors leaving comments or sending in e-mail. Feedback would be welcome. Though I have tried various methods to help people to leave messages, that advantage however, was seldom taken. I can only hope that whatever is hindering the interchange of ideas be taken out of the way. 🙁
Oh well, I continue to hope and I will continue to build my site. Most likely in a few years I will have to clean house again. Maybe by then the website will be more of a two way street than a oneway. 🙂
God bless 😀