Archive for October, 2010

Space travel goes Green

Thursday, October 28th, 2010
Tree cut to show an image of a rocket ship

The Royal Botanical Gardens goes green with their new Space Shuttle.

This shot was taken today at the RBG Arboretum in Hamilton Ontario. I did not read the plaque on the other side… I went with what it first appeared to me to be. In the last few years they have allowed artists to come in and “create” works of art with the materials on hand.

Back of the Bus?

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Recently Obama made a statement and this image popped into my head. The image?

back of the bus statement

Are you a republican? You can come for the ride but you gotta sit in the back of the bus.

What he said at a recent campaign rally was this:

“We don’t mind the republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in the back.”

Didn’t think I would hear such a statement from a sitting President, specially since it is a loaded statement for anyone of colour. Yep, Montgomery Alabama 1955.

Liberal Democrat vs The Tea Party

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Recently I was channel surfing and came across a CNN political discussion panel: the right and left plus a commentator and the program’s star. Back and forth I surfed between my program and the CNN discussion during commercials. What did the female liberal democrat say about The Tea Party?

Female Liberal Democrat Speaks Out

“I haven’t met a tea partier yet with half a brain.”

CNN… the most trusted name in news? More like silly entertainment themes hosted and populated by bullies who hate well thought out discussions or a dialogue to enlighten the mind. It does grow very tiring. The biggest abusers seem to be those on the left.