Archive for December, 2005

Happy New Year

Saturday, December 31st, 2005

The last day of the year. Do you have your new year’s resolutions already chosen? I have four.

🙂 To let God cleanse me of my sin.
😎 To allow his Spirit greater control.
😉 To walk in peace with others.
:satisfied: The personal outworking my salvation.

Guess we all want do that. Everyday is a time for repentance. May your resolutions be given new birth each day of the new year. God bless…


Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 25th, 2005

🙂 :rolleyes: 😉 😀 :laugh: :hehe:

Has It been A Month?

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005

My gosh, has it been a month since my last post. I guess it is a reflection of how I have been doing over the past little while. Every once in a while you come up against a spiritual obstacle. It stops you in your tracks. Over the past few days it appears to be turning around. I can’t explain what it was, I don’t know, but I do feel a niggling from the Spirit of God to get back on track. He is faithful even when I am not. For that I thank God…
