So, the stock market has been going down sharply the last couple of days. It is no surprise to me. The $780b stimulus package is huge. Yet the people who work the money don’t believe that the plan is going to work. Why? Perhaps for the same reason I have… Don’t trust the Democrats in both houses… don’t believe and don’t trust Obama to really be able to handle this.
I saw it coming. When? Back when Obama was still running for the presidency. At first I thought it was my imagination. So I started to pay a little more attention to who was ahead during the Democrats primaries and caucuses. Later I observed the action between Obama and McCain. Seemed like every time Obama took the lead prior to the convention and later the run for the office the New York Stock Exchange took a tumble. If he did badly? The exchange would go up.
I took this to mean that if Obama won the election the money people would be careful how they invested or in this case divested their holdings. Am I saying that the financial troubles we are in are Obama’s fault? Absolutely not. Obama’s rallying cry was “Yes We Can.” However the people who hold the purse strings are saying “No We Can’t.”
To get out of this mess you first need to understand what got us into this mess. Correct those things no matter how politically dangerous it would be. Then take “targeted and timely” measures to stimulate the economy. They have done the stimulus first… and it seems truly understanding how we got here is being avoided. Sadly for many people this will be a rough ride.
Father, there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is death. Father, there is a way out. They don’t see it yet. Change their hearts Lord… open their eyes… so that they see, understand and repent. Watch over your people Father… give them the knowledge to stay ahead of this problem and where they cannot… provide for us. In Jesus name…