Archive for the ‘Random Topic Posts’ Category

Last Night’s Lesson

Tuesday, May 11th, 2004

🙂 Last night we had a bible study at a friend’s house. The topic was based on Rev 3:18 and the Laodicean church. The passage talks about buying from God gold tried in the fire, obtaining garments to cover our nakedness and to receive eye salve so that we may see. All good things to get but how?

From other lessons it became obvious that the only way to receive these things was to go into prayer, praise and worship. It is not that the actions themselves will pass on these blessings. These activities can be done on automatic without engaging your spirit. What is important is to bring your spirit into these activities looking with your spiritual senses to see Jesus. It is as we face Jesus in the heavenly realm that the Spirit of God begins to open the eyes of we who seek Jesus and through his priesthood our Father God. While engaged in this activity the Spirit changes us and prepares for us to receive the blessings and more importantly he changes us to be more like Jesus in heart and mind.

The Father is looking for those who will worship him in spirit and in truth. If we take the time in prayer, praise and worship, the Spirit will do its work in us and through us. The Spirit will prepare us to be the bride of Christ for when Jesus returns.

As with all people, the only answer is to spend time with God: individually and corporately.

Spin Spin and Spin Again

Monday, May 10th, 2004

:O So Rumsfeld gave testimony before the Senate and the House. Listened to all six hours. Finally got all the answers I was hoping to find. From what I received he did the best job that he could under the conditions he found himself in. Perhaps now congress can pass a special law when it comes to war crimes and give the ability to open a file under investigation without breaking the command line influence regulations. After all, that was, is and is going to be the problem for future secretaries. Perhaps an omsbudsman of some kind? Someone outside the chain of command who can look to find incidents like prisoner of war abuse and pass it to the higher ups before it can cause political problems as there are today.

🙁 Spin… I listened to the first news reports that were released by the press in the US and Canada. What was reported took literary license to what the testimony actually was. Ok that is not too bad. What I did find sad was the downplaying of the process that is part of the problem. The down playing of the time-line was also a great dis-service.

:angry: Spin… Then came the politicians who are trying to paint Rumsfeld in the worse light possible and then trying to stain the President with the same tarnished brush. Truth seems to be always missing in these attacks.

:crazy: Spin Again… the news agencies then pick up these political droppings as jewels of truth and pass on the errors, misconceptions and lies as news. What of the man and woman on the street have to say over this? Depends on when they came into the loop. If they heard the testimony they should be a bit miffed that facts are becoming the first casualties of this new attack against the White House. Those who pick up the news last will be incensed by Rumsfeld’s supposed failure to handle the situation before it became known.

:satisfied: Well. politics is politics and truth is in the eye of the beholder. Someday truth will not be in the eye of the beholder, it will be shouted from the rooftops, it will be declared from Mount Zion. Someday the true judge will visit the earth and only then can there be an honest expection of truth with facts as their foundation. In the meanwhile, I look ahead to those days when Jesus will rule from Jerusalem. Until then… I bite my tongue and rest in the hope that in the end God wins.

Prayer Request for My Father

Wednesday, May 5th, 2004

🙁 I would like you to pray for my father, Fred, who has been in the hospital for the past four days. He has pneumonia and is in isolation. Although he appears to be doing well the bug is stubborn and is taking its time to clear his lungs. It appears to be a recurring problem. Pray that he recovers and that the bug is finally cleared completely from his body. Many thanks…

🙂 My Father has been released from the hospital. I want to thank those who took the time to pray. God bless you all.

A nice blog to visit

Friday, April 23rd, 2004

🙂 A couple of days ago I was doing a search engine check on my web name “ChristianMuse”. I saw a new addition to the regular listings. I dropped over to her site and was delighted by what I found. I left her a comment and she had the grace to write back and ask if she was infringing on my name. That my friends is thoughtful. As a web name, I said go ahead and use it. What is even nicer, she put a link on her blog to my site. Thanks Rita. Here is her url…

Home Meeting

Friday, April 16th, 2004

🙂 It has been a little quiet on the site over the last three weeks. What has been happening is that I have become involved in a home meeting at a friends house. It is still in the discovery phase as people are seeking the face of the Lord to get direction. I have given a couple of lessons. My first thought was that I would be able to write shortened versions for the net. It became apparent very quickly that the lessons were dynamic and specific for the people who are gathering at my friends home. I will be going back to what I started a couple of months ago and write commentaries on passages of the bible. These subjects are being taken from the “Daily Read” section of the site.

First year anniversary of Iraq war.

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004

:angry: On Saturday, one year ago, the US led coalition invaded Iraq. On Saturday I read my local newspaper. I watched CNN, CBC and other stations. I was so angry at the reporting, commentary and the left leaning slant of it all (the war reportage in retrospect). That is why I am writing today after a bit of steam has blown off and the engine inside my head cooled. I wondered how can the media, specially that in Canada, be so anti-american and anti Bush. On Sunday I watched a program on TVO where a special speaker had a chance to speak his view. Amazingly he gave an hour long talk on anti-Americanism and where the roots of it originated. Knowing now the brief history of anti-Americanism in Canada, add to that a conservative like Pres Bush, I can see how some (most?) Canadians can go ballistic in regards to US actions.

Now that being said… It is as I wrote in an ealier post about Iraq and the media. If they can’t get their facts straight they would serve the community better by remaining silent. In an age like ours we can no longer afford the luxury of miss-informed(?) rhetoric passing for news. If politics remain as usual then all I can say is pray for the world. People are going to die because some benefit from speaking falsehoods. The rest form opinions on these errors and falsehoods. Until we desire truth more than anything else… our actions will never be right except by accident.

As in Corinth so in the West

Friday, March 19th, 2004

I recently made an addition to my site. Here is a bit of what I wrote…


Leaven – compromising the truth.

There is a right way to live and there is a wrong way to live. Sin has consequences. I am not writing about eternal salvation. Sexual promiscuity causes the spread of sexual diseases. It also weakens the family structure. The more “freedom” that is allowed the more danger becomes inherent in their daily living. There is a holy model of sex between one man and one woman, pledged to each other. When a little bit of compromise is added to that model, the situation becomes plastic and more compromises are sure to follow. Error and sin then become so normal a way of life that people begin to think it is a basic right and they are free to indulge their carnal impulses in any fashion that pleases them. This was the evolving case at Corinth.


:plain: I just want to add that this “evolving” has been happening in Western Europe, Canada and the USA. The child killed in the womb to sexual promiscuity to ???? Euthenasia is also making inroads into the consciouness of our citenzenry. How much further will a people drift before common sense or just plain conscience awakens. Too bad we don’t have an Apostle Paul living today with the moral authority to bring sense to a people and their governments in the West.

Big Brothers Association of Canada

Tuesday, March 16th, 2004

Originally posted at Tripod: Wednesday, 31 December 2003

Big Brothers Association of Canada

I remember when they first called us some twenty years ago. At that time we were helping ministries with finances through telephone solicitations. They would call and we would respond with a donation. Many organizations benefited.

Then things got a bit tight and we needed to tighten our belts. When we told organizations that we could not help them in that particular year, they responded by not calling for about another year. Except for one group… Big Brothers.

We supported them the longest of all of them. They were the last organization we gave money to. When we said we could not help them one year they responded, we thought, like the others. A few months later we got another call from them. We said we couldn’t help. Another few months another call. And another call and another call.

We finally got so upset with them we asked to be taken off their list. Then we got another call and another call… etc.

In the last four years we have gotten dozens of calls. Everytime we said not to call again. They called again. Over the years we got so upset with them that we vowed never to give money to any organization that called us.

Last month I got a call from them again. I got a call from them again today. Will it ever end? No other organization has been so persistent and can I say it… abusive.

They do a great work and one that is needed. Their telephone work needs a major overhaul. Am I alone in this? I think not. Someday perhaps they will show a bit of christian charity to those who want to help. In the meanwhile, everyone loses who calls my home.


Because I don’t need to find another with the same tactics.

What a shame.

Asteroid – future impact

Monday, March 15th, 2004

Originally posted at Tripod: Monday, 24 November 2003

Asteroid – future impact

Tonight I watched a special on CBC about potential asteroid impacts and what can be done about them. Everytime the subject comes up they are sure to say they have no idea when an impact could occur. Ranging from today upwards to 10’s of thousands of years.

In Revelations two impacts are foretold. One is an asteroid and the other is most likely a small comet. There will be great loss of life after each of their impacts. These are only two of the catastrophies that will occur before the return of Jesus to set up His kingdom. These two objects are out there right now, approaching our planet, carrying with it the judgment of God. They were made for those days.

Will man, if they can see there approach, try to stop them? Yes, if the anti-christ has anything to do with it. Will they succeed in deflecting them? No! Hopefully there will be some who will repent at there coming, yet they will still fall.

The time of their visitation is not too far off. For those who are left behind on the earth to face these heralds of judgment, make peace with God. For those who are alive today, love God and do what is right. When the Son calls be ready. As with Noah so with us today, when the door of the ark is closed only those inside are saved, it is too late for those who would not believe.


Sunday, March 14th, 2004

Originally posted at Tripod: Sunday, 16 November 2003


The Spirit of God moves in one of His people, and a slumbering spirit becomes conscious of God. The conscience of the man is pricked by the questions; what have I done, where have I been, what have I missed?

The reply echoes in the heart of this man; you have done nothing, you have been absent, you have missed everything! “What should I do?”, replies the man. Send up your prayers, into the heavenly temple, for the fulness of His Spirit to fall.

The man repents and humbles himself, calling for the Spirit to come, into his heart, and into that of another. Then the Spirit of God moves in another of His people, and one more slumbering spirit awakens.

Again and again, prayer is raised, until even those who are not His people are moved by the presence of God.