Archive for the ‘Random Topic Posts’ Category

About Confession and Prayer

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Occasionally over the last couple of months I have been taking some time while alone at night to look at my day and talk it over with God. The first things that get mentioned are sins. Confess them, ask forgiveness, then ask for strength, insight and guidance to better manage those areas.

Then I go for the next smaller sized thing in my life that I should talk about. Then smaller still. In other words… I get the camel out of the soup before I tackle the gnats. Then I can enjoy my soup while sharing in his presence.


In the Stillness After the Storm

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

In the stillness after the storm.

There have been times, in the past, when so many things would be going wrong. No matter how hard I tried things kept pilling up. I was like a small boat being blown about wildly by the tempest that was my life. Attempts at prayer, like working a rudder to at least go in the right direction, were futile. I was bowed and beaten. I looked to heaven and screamed. My thoughts were placed on my tongue and I vented my rage toward God. Minute by minute strecthing into hours. Tears flowed as my spirit emptied and my soul twisted in the wind. Finally, too tired to continue, I lay broken on the floor. No more tears, no more thoughts…

In the quiet time that followed the Lord met me. As a mother gently strokes her little child when ill and calmy, gently, whispers compassion and love… so the Spirit did with me. Slowly I responded to His care. That flicker of hope, once extinguished, came back to life. He actually was there when I was in turmoil but I only heard him when I was silent. He did not judge me for my many words. He simply loved me back to life… in the stillness after the storm.

:confused: :crazy: 😥 🙂

About Apotles

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

I always think of Apostles as those who go out and spread the word of God by laying down a strong foundation of the gospel message and then appointing leadershp to carry on the work… the other four ministries. It is also the duty of the apostle to visit sites previously started and to evalutate whether they are still in the faith (basic foundation) and to bring education or correction to those whom he has appointed to oversee the churches the apostle helped establish. There is a also a time when he should meet with other apostles and elders to evaluate all the works currently being done in the name of christ to ensure the truth continues to be spoken in love. At least that is my view on who they are and their responsibilities.

As Roy has written, the person must be humble above all else… fisrt to God… then to others. I am reminded that Moses is, after a fashion, an example of what an apostle should be. It takes a very humble man to stand before God to get direction. It takes an even humbler man to meet out discipline, with love for God first, a people (Israel) a close second, followed by individuals.

Paul came right out when his authority was challenged… he said not by their speech but by the power that came from their words. Paul’s apostleship would be proven by the power… signs and wonders, done at his command. For where the word is preached there is power following. Of course where a people are sensitive to God then that perfect witness within will confirm or deny that an “apostle” is from God.

Take your pick… the eternal witness (for the mature) or the power of God displayed among you (for the young in faith and the lost).

One further thought. When I am in a situation where a minister or ministry brings a bit of confusion, then prayer is a must until the Spirit gives insight to what is actually happening. Normally, there is a witness from God that I need to see beyond what my eyes perceive… I then enter into prayer until I can see with my spirit what is going on and/or what the truth is. Prayer is the key.

The Secret – Dr Beckwith

Friday, February 16th, 2007

I was channel surfing and came across the Oprah Winfried Show. She had two guests with her. One was named Dr Beckwith. They were discussing a book called The Secret. Intrigued I watched the show for about twenty minutes. What they described is no secret.

I have read several books; think and grow rich, positive thinking, etc. I have listened to spiritual swamis on PBS. I watched other enlightened speakers. These books and speakers may start from slightly different perspectives but all lead to the same core belief.

What you sow in the mental realm you will reap in the physical. As a man thinks so he is. Mental or spiritual imaging brings about the reality. What you are tapping into is; god, the universe, the force or some such concept. They seldom promote this as God but in a fashion they are creating, envisioning, a super-consciouness.

The ideas they promote are basic wisdom principles. After a fashion they do exist. Some, if not many, will be able to profit from the exercise of this wisdom. Understand though, that apart from the God of the bible, it profits nothing on the scale of eternity. It does, however, can very well lead to destruction on the scale of eternity.

The guests do not believe in “the final judgement”. They do not believe in a literal heaven or hell. From what I got from the program they do not believe in the substitutionary death of Jesus on the cross; to obtain salvation to all those who believe in Him and his work. It appears that the only sin is incorrect thinking (believing).

I am not writing that these men are intentionally leading people astray. The end result though may be people separated from God or people who will not be able to find God. It has truth but denies “The Truth”. Most people will never find “The Truth”. Yet the world can know this wisdom they preach and profit from it here on earth.

The devil doesn’t so much lie to people, but he certainly does miss-direct them with tasty morsels of “wisdom” devoid of that true “Wisdom” that comes from God.

These men and their followers are delving into the spiritual. There are eternal consequences. My suggestion is to stay clear from this way of thinking. Unless of course it is biblically based and you are being lead of the Spirit to put what the bible says into practice. Do not mix their philosophy with the teachings of the bible.


Groundhog Day – the movie and the past

Saturday, February 3rd, 2007

I watched groundhog day starring Bill Murray. The movies he makes can be a hit or a miss but never anything in-between. What one likes another hates. No middle ground.

I saw the movie a couple of years ago on tv. Though it was slow to start and it got a bit too repetitive, I found myself beginning to enjoy the movie. The struggle of coming to grips with his situation and how he adapted and finally won out was eventually enjoyable to watch. Not one of his best but certainly nowhere near his worse.

On groundhog day itself. Many years ago our family went to a park near here to see if we could spot a groundhog and observe what he would do. My younger brother though couldn’t leave things alone and tried to grab the groundhog. We never found out about the groundhog seeing his shadow because it bit my enthusiastic brother instead. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. Sometimes weather “just bites”.


comment on proverbs 16:31

Friday, January 19th, 2007

proverbs 16:31 The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, It is found in the way of righteousness.

55 years old and no grey hair on top of this head. Of course, there is no hair either. I guess I miss out on the Crown of Renown.


In Canada…

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

In Canada you are “presumed” innocent until proven guilty.” It is a just and right position.

Equally though, you are “considered” guilty until proven innocent. How many people, when then hear of someone being charged with a crime, talk as if the person actually commited the act before the trial even begins. That a person can be detained until trial unless they make bail or are released on their own recognizance. This is a sad reflection on the first statement.


Bribes, In Canada?

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

Bribes… Not in Canada… unless you call it a campaign contribution. Oh wait, someone did get into trouble because of a campaign contribution. Oh wait, they were using government money given for another purpose. Oh wait, the giving of that money was a bribe to keep Quebec in Confederation. Oh wait…


What did the Gommery Report finally decide anyways?


Comment on proverbs 17:28

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

proverbs 17:28…


comment on proverbs 15:1

Monday, January 15th, 2007

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

My oh my, This is one little gem I put into practice the first time I read it. I have been using this verse in every instance where conflict could erupt. It has, without fail, kept me out of a few skuffles with those trying to prove themselves. It also helps to disarm those you have done a wrong to; you can quickly get to resolving the problem instead of taking positions. Yep, a real gem this one.

:crazy: -> :confused: -> 😀