Decision Points by George W Bush

Decision Points by George W Bush

publisher: Crown Publications 2010

A trip down memory lane? No, not even close!
A stroll down Pennsylvania Ave? Closer…
Walkabout in the bush with Bush? That’s got it!

What a journey this man has been on. It touches upon his life as a kid to college student to salesman/entrepreneur. He writes of his time as governor of Texas. He spends most of the book writing about his time as President of the USA. The walkabout? That is how I envison his passage from running for the presidency to his leaving the presidency eight years later. He entered as a man, and I believe history will say, he left as one of the great presidents.

The layout of the book was not what I expected. Like many people we like to start at the beginning and go to the end in order. If he did that he wouldn’t have called his book Decision Points. He structured the book by related events. He quit drinking and all the events related to that subject. 9/11 and all the events that held. Other topics with their own chapters: Stem Cells, War Footing, Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina and some others with the Financial Crises coming last.

Was there anything really new to read? I would say, for myself, no. It was a refresher course in all that I had observed and learned over his eight year presidency. Some of the details however were new but did not change any of the context. Although I don’t think he took the right approach at some junctures in the decision process, and in retrospect his thoughts eventually agreed with mine, he held the reins of power and I believe he did a better job than most everyone else could have done with information on hand.

Are you a liberal? Are you a democrat? Are you an average Canadian (whatever that means)? You probably disagreed with most everything Bush had done. Of course listening to these groups over the course of his presidency I always wondered where the heck they were getting their info? As far as I could figure it came out of the darkness that is “politics as usual” and that is a condemnation of those who practiced it.

Others will certainly have their own opinions about the book. If you like politics, want to see what happened behind the scenes, and learn how Bush was motivated through it all… this is an excellent book to read.

I enjoyed it.

2 Responses to “Decision Points by George W Bush”

  1. Vicki says:

    USA demands us to follow vienna convention …under what convention did they bring Dr.Afia from Afganistan to US ? they r reall Hippocrates

    Ed’s note: I can agree with you that the US can be hypocritical in their inter-national dealings. By as for their dealings with Dr Afia and Afghanistan? I can only take your word that part of the Hippocratic oath, “do no harm,” relates to those dealings.

    😉 I know, you used the wrong word.

  2. Phillip says:

    It is always difficult to find competent persons with this topic, but you sound like you are aware of exactly what you are speaking about! With thanks