Occular Migraine

I got an occular migraine happening right now. At least that is what the optomitrist called it when I explained the symptoms. There is no pain associated with the experience. What happens is that your vision changes and it looks like you are looking through one or whole bunch of small prisms. General shapes and even smaller objects are easy to make out but the finer stuff, like reading print, is almost impossible.

I was over reading dougie_g’s blog when it came on. Almost impossible to read anything. I decided to write this up just in-case others have had the same experience. It isn’t serious and it goes away after a time. I guess I am making a public service announcement. Anyone else ever have this problem and how did it affect you? Curious to compare notes.

Apologies if there are typos… can’t see well enough to know if I got everyone of them.

2 Responses to “Occular Migraine”

  1. Don G says:

    Joe, I googled ” Ocular Migraine ” ( Note spelling Ocular ) and got several good articles on it. Assume the condition has cleared by now. The article says they usually only last up to twenty minutes. It’s more of a neurological problem that affects the eye. I have had blurring of the eyes from high blood sugar and I find that a blood thinner prevents it. I’m on an Aspirin per day but, also take Ghinko Biloba which has helped my eyes. Ghinko is known to be beneficial to the brain—they recommend it for anyone suspected of starting with Alzheimers.

  2. Dougie G says:

    Sorry Joe. I didn’t realize my blogs were that bad to cause people to go fuzzy eyed. Maybe I should find another hobby? I’m just kidding. Hope you are feeling better and things are ok.