Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer

Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer
published by Warner FaithThis particular book has been kicking around the house for about a year or more. My wife bought it when our church decided to have the women go through it together. They bought the study guide as well and away they went. The meetings were every week. My wife enjoyed the study and found it beneficial. Since that time the Lord has been putting it on my heart to read the book for myself. Last month I finally picked it up and read through the book. A section a day until I was through it. Personally I have many struggles and problems. It was my hope that it would help me. I would not say that the book was an eye opener. It did however bring to my memory a lot of what the Lord has shown me over more than a twenty five year period.

Anyone who has listened to Joyce Meyer on television will not be surprised by what she has written. Much of what has been covered in the book has been repeated on her program. What is good about the book though is that it brings all of the related material together and puts it into a form that is easy to read and quite handy since now it is at your fingertips. The book is broken down into three parts.

Part one is about preparation. What the battlefield is. To encourage you too start and continue on this path of discovery and renewal. That change comes over time. It also discuses the enemy and some of his tactics. Part two describes some of the conditions of the mind. Part three covers mental attitudes. It is more than a book explaining the problem. It is written to give you scripture and how that scripture when properly applied can be used to overcome guilt, faults and depression. It is a practical book.

Not having read the companion study guide I cannot comment on how the two would compliment each other. I will say however that the book alone is worth the time it takes to read. In many ways it can be a life changing study. The end result is to have the mind of Christ. You should not rush through the book. Time should be taken to understand and reflect on the material and how it would apply to your life.

4 Responses to “Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer”

  1. Dougie G says:

    Ruth has this book for the same reason. I would like to read it. I think she’ll loan it to me. Thanks for the reminder Joe! When I’m done maybe I can come back and comment on what I thought of it!

  2. Joe says:

    It would be nice to have your comments on the subject after you have read the book.

  3. patti says:

    I have a not-yet-used workbook to go along with it, if that would be helpful to anyone.

    This IS a good book, in my opinion.

  4. Jim says:

    Hey, Check out this great 18 minute compilation of Joyce Meyer teaching… it will surely bless you.

    {Sorry Jim, I am not able to check out the link that you have left in your comment. I can’t get windows media player to work. Since I can’t check out the link I have opted to leave your comment… less the link… to explain to you why I am not allowing the link to be shown. If I can get windows media player to run the file I will then, if it is appropriate, place the link here so others can see it. Until then I am sorry but I do not allow links unless I can verify the content. Joe }