Not healed because of lacking faith?

That may not be the problem.

Jesus said of the pharisees… They will take up this proverb against me, “Physician heal thyself.” On the third day the Father, through the power of the Spirit, raised him up.

If I have faith the size of a grain of mustard seed I can say to this mountain be uprooted and tossed into the sea and it would be done. It is such a small, little, tiny seed, isn’t everyone capable of manifesting this least amount of faith? Yet I haven’t seen any mountains thrown into the sea unless done through great and powerful machines.

The will of the Lord is key.
Walking in the Spirit is key.
The church manifesting the Spirit is key.
Each one doing what God asks,
In His timing and at His direction,
then as a whole, miracles happen.

A physician never heals himself,
his colleagues do when they work together,
each working his specialty,
for the good of the one.

As the Father with the Spirit,
And the physicians above,
Same goes for the church.


One Response to “Not healed because of lacking faith?”

  1. Feroimmergy says:

    Make peace, not war!