Posts Tagged ‘jihad’

9-11 for 2014

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Will we even recognize a 9-11 attack for 2014?

This is the day that Al-Qaida celebrates the taking down of the twin towers in New York, NY. It is the day they choose to remind everyone that they are a force to be reckoned with. There have been attacks on almost every 9-11 since then… or perhaps there were attacks every year but the media and politicos downplayed the event.

Why would they downplay the event? Because it is not politically expedient to show how ineffective their fight against terrorism truly is. Case in point… Libya 2012.

President Obama informs the nations of the world that Osama Bin-Laden has been killed. Not only him but the entire Al-Qaida structure has been weakened to the point of second rate threat. Then on 9-11 of 2012, the great anniversary of the US tragedy, an Al-Qaida affiliate in Libya launches a late night attack that went into the wee hours of the morning of the twelfth. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed. Many more wounded. Who did the state department blame? Regular Muslims protesting a movie spoof on the life of Mohammed. They kept up that lie until it fell apart because of political pressure after a few days.

During this whole episode, which continues to this day, with hearings and testimony a-plenty being given, I have never seen anything on the news that said this was a planned 9-11 attack. There have been a few mentions over time. The blog-o-sphere has plenty to say. Yet most still bury their collective head in the sand and refuse to name the true culprit. Hadith style Islam… not the one of the Qu-ran, but the tribal teachings attached to the prophet’s words… the sayings.

If a person wants to follow the teachings of the prophet as found in the Qu-ran… then I will fight for their right to fight their own personal/spiritual Jihad. When it crosses over to the establishing of an Islamic Caliphate State (based on the Hadith) by imposing its will against all others… that is the struggle I will stand against and name a heresy.

Through the actions of ISIS or ISIL, to borrow a biblical phrase, the name of the prophet “is blasphemed among the gentiles.” Yet this struggle belongs more in the hands of other Muslims. They need to stand up against those who would pervert the words of the prophet found in the Qu-ran. If they don’t stand up and make a clear distinction between them and ISIS and their like… they will be tarred with the same brush that is used on ISIS and they will suffer not only at the hands of the “unbelievers” and “the people of the book” but will suffer at the hands of their very own people. Muslims, please unit and save the dignity of the prophet and his words found in the Qu-ran from the abusers out for political Jihad in the world.

As a Christian I would rather have you believe in Jesus the Son of God. But that is your choice and I will defend your right to choose who you will follow. And I hope that you would defend my right to choose as well.

God bless the peacemakers.