Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

Climate Change?

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Climate Change?

Left wing media are biassed when covering the subject of climate change. I was watching Reliable Sources this morning on CNN and the misdirecting talk was evident once again. The left love to portray the right as people who cannot process scientific evidence. That the right are always sticking to their ideological prejudices. They keep saying that the right denies the truth that climate change is real. It is at this point most people would think that the right would rather believe a lie than accept the truth… and that truth that they slip in is that climate change is “driven” by man made carbon-dioxide emissions.

For the record… The right do believe in climate change. There always was and will always be changes to the climate. These changes have been brought about by natural means and by natural disasters. From the changing of landmasses to an asteroid strike, great shifts in climate have occurred in the past. At this present time the trend appears to be on a warming trend yet over the past 15 years the temperatures world wide have been relatively stable. And this snapshot of time is too short in geological terms to predict if there really is a warming trend that will continue on its current projection over the next 100 years.

I do believe that there has been a short term (50 year) increase in the planets temperature. It is self evident that the polar caps are melting faster and are not re-freezing to the previous year’s extent. And yes, glaciers high in the high mountains and low lying areas near the poles are disappearing. These effects are seen by everyone who watches the news feeds or those TV specials about nature. There really is general agreement that these things are occurring.

What then is the problem?

The problem arises from the left-wing statement that these changes are being driven by the increase of CO2 emissions from man made sources. Our cars, coal plants and a host of other human activities increase the CO2 levels and that these levels “drive” climate change by raising world wide temperatures of the air, sea and land. I must say this, I am not a climate scientist. Then again most of the scientists who are polled about what they think is the cause for climate change are not scientists in that field. Just because you are a scientist in one field does not mean that you are qualified to judge what is happening in a different line of scientific enquiry. Yet we are led to believe that those with some university education are the only ones who are qualified(?) to render an opinion… Hogwash! And that they all agree… more Hog in the Wash.

I will say that the activities of mankind are the main reason for the increase in CO2 in our environment. We are taking the planets stored hydrocarbon energy sources and processing them and using those sources in our cars, homes and industries. Yes, this increases the CO2 in our atmosphere. The oceans of the world absorb most of this CO2. What remains in the atmosphere is not enough to “drive” climate change. What about the oceans? CO2 is responsible for a slight increase in ocean temperatures but CO2 is not “driving” that ocean climate change either.

Now I am talking about the fallacy of climate change being driven by the increase use of hydrocarbons stored as gas, coal or oil in the planets crust. It does have an environmental impact, but that impact is a lot less than the so-called environmentalists would have you believe.

What is driving climate change?

The sun, in part, has warmed the atmosphere and the oceans. Not so much in the past 10-15 years because the sun’s seasonal cycle is more or less in its “winter” stage. The sun will of course become more active and then the temperature will once again begin to climb. What are the long term cycles of the sun no one knows. This may be a bigger driver of climate change than CO2 emissions from hydrocarbons.

The denuding of the forest cover is another factor in the increase of environmental CO2. This is actually done in two stages. The ground cover is destroyed releasing CO2 into our environment and then, because of the lack of greenery, less environmental CO2 is absorbed by plant life. This also contributes to global warming.

Destruction of the ozone layer. That was a man made disaster and has nothing to do with CO2, from hydrocarbon sources, in the environment. So we outlawed CFC’s and hopefully the upper atmosphere can begin to increase the right kind of chemicals to reflect UV rays back out into space. Ozone Layer? Over the poles? All that energy, once was reflected out into space now strikes the polar ice caps. They are also striking those disappearing glaciers in the northern and southern reaches. Even the glaciers in the mountains are being affected by this increase in heat energy. And again, this has nothing to do with CO2 emissions from hydrocarbons.

How about the raping and polluting of the worlds oceans? The small course changes of the earth in its orbit? The destruction of other types of plants and animals on this planet? Other things??? And worse… the shear increase of humans on the planet and what it takes to feed them, house them and move them.

Summing up?

There are natural events that are increasing temperature changes in our environment. There are also human activities that are responsible for temperature changes in our environment. All these factors working together will increase the likelihood that our environment will get warmer. The question that needs to be asked is, “what can be done in all these areas to mitigate global warming?”

Spending billions, if not trillions, trying to limit CO2 emissions from hydrocarbon use is a fools errand. All the pomp and pageantry of groups and governments dancing to the lie that man-made CO2 is the main culprit will ruin the lives of millions, affect negatively on the life of billions, and in the end be far too little too late.