There are many people who think that because something is written in the bible it is meant for them. That they can name it and claim it. If that is the word of the Lord given to them I say amen. Yet not all have been given this particular word of grace from the Lord. I know that what I read, hear and pray about is possible. In my life I would at some point get a spiritual witness from the Spirit that something is true. When that happens I say amen. It may tarry but experience shows that if I continue to follow the Lord all things witnessed to me by the Spirit come about.
It is like this…
When I first hear the word I hope that such things can be true. At some point in following the Spirit, the Spirit will witness with my spirit that something is true. It is at that moment I move from hope to faith. I agree with the Spirit, I amen his word, and then that particular thing is no longer just possible but will come about. At least that is my experience.
In this context, “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”