Racism is a fact of life. It is part of the natural condition of man today… (remember the tower of Babel and what God did). Various religions have stepped up to the plate to bring an equality of man. Christianity in general and individual Christians specifically have been at the forefront of change.
Have there been abuses? Of course there were. Have things been getting better in Christian nations? Of course they are. If you were to look at world history it would be noticed that the US is more of a shinning example of a nation doing good than most of the rest of the nations of the world.
How can I say this? Look to Darfur… to other nations which have commited the mass murder of millions. The tyranny in Afghanistan by the Taliban and others. The racism and religious intolerance in the middle east. etc… All this in this century alone.
There is a problem, a lack of forgiveness. Yet even in this the US is a shinning example. Look to the world. Look to history. Some need the plank to be removed from their eyes. Still, Christ needs to be living in the hearts of more Americans to continue the process of spiritual renewal. Specially at this time when the spirit of Babylon is trying to exert an ever increasing influence over the nations of the west.
What about the spirit of Babylon, the tower of Babel? This statement refers to the initial Babylon, where mankind conspired to build a tower to heaven and to keep the world united as one. It is to this spirit that the Lord descended to confuse the language of the people so that they would fulfill the directive of God. (a side affect of this action may be the racism that has resulted in the world.)
When I refer to the spirit of Babylon it is this same motivation to bring the world together as one. The United Nations is the current incarnation of this thought. It is in the nations of the west that this ideal has been the strongest. It has nothing to do with terrorism, war or enslavement. It does have everything to do with mankind, through its own “goodness”, to bring peace, harmony, and oneness to the world. It is an anti-Christian philosophy. This is a more recent development in the world.