Gillis, Erickson and the Sun…

Wow, what an interview! (See below for links) It was an example of grace under pressure. Kudos for Gillis’ courage to go onto a station that sits firmly on the right of the political spectrum. I also want to give kudos to Erickson. Tenacious journalism! She laid the accomplishments and awards of Gillis right up front. She repeated these honours and accolades several times through the interview. She is also a tough journalist. She stayed on point to get an answer to a question I would have asked. The question? Why should she and her foundation receive arts funding from the government? Now some have pointed out that the CBC receives funding. Others also pointed out that big oil, farming, etc. have also gotten funding. It would not be wrong to ask those industries to give an account why they should receive funding. As someone who is on the right of the political spectrum I would rather let artists, farmers and big oil (and the CBC) fend for themselves. If in seeking answers things get a bit contentious, well that is what happens in a free society. Why is the Sun considered so bad when the arts community also seems to be attacking those who are not in agreement with them. We are adults, we are passionate and we want answers. If we have to struggle a bit to get those answers it shows we are alive and care… and that is a good thing for those on both sides of the political spectrum. To try and silence the Sun (through complaints to the CRTC and the CBSC) is much worse than what happened in the interview.

Part 1 of the interview

Part 2 of the interview

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