Christmas Givers

The first Christmas Giver was God our Father. The Gift? The Word of God become flesh. The Reason? To show the way to peace with God and make that way possible. Welcome Jesus!

The Second Christmas Giver was Saint Nicholas, bishop of the early church. The gift? Three small sacks of money. The Reason? Dowry for three daughters of a poor parishioner. Tenderly placed into their stockings, that were hung up by the fireplace with care to dry.

Another Christmas there was Santa Claus. The gift? Promises of gifts to all good boys or girls. The reason? A turn of the 20th century marketing ploy to increase year end sales.

And lastly? The real Santa Claus? The gift? Everything with a bottle of Coke to wash it all down. The reason? All things do go better with coke. Don’t be fooled. The real Santa has a coke in his right hand… always!

The Real Santa Claus

And Absolutely finally… Santa Clones. The gift? What actually gets put under the tree. The reason? Santa can’t get to the global market economy without help from parents.

So there you have it. A snapshot of Christmas. Just remember… without the first there would be no reason to celebrate this season.

Merry Christmas!

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