More About Tithing

All scripture is good for educational purposes, correction, etc…

The OT use of laws were needed because the people did not have the Spirit residing within them as we who are born again do. Laws were necessary for their survival. There was law also pointing out the coming one, sacrifice, and justification of life in the model form. While reading scriptures it is possible for the Spirit to make some portion active to bring about the purpose above; teaching, correction, instruction in righteousness, etc.

This does not mean that we are to follow the law, but we must allow the Spirit to use the scriptures to teach us how to walk in the path to fulfill some obligation he wants us to accomplish. If the Spirit then wants me to make weekly offerings (of money) to the local church as a tithing principle, I would be remise in my walk of faith if I disbelieved and entered into rebellion by withholding this “tithe”. Your legal view of the tithe is the stumbling block you trip over when answering my previous post.

I agree, that the NT does not teach tithing. I agree that I am not under the law. I disagree somewhat about the OT tithe that Abraham made, that it could not include any of the money that was found. I believe if money was found, as well as anything else, he gave a tithe of all. It may have been a onetime affair.

Now as for the church making it a must to donate (specifically, members for the upkeep of ministry) they are free to do so. Having them call it a tithe is beside the point, unless you look at it as a legal definition (which they may not). It is an agreement entered between individuals. They are free to do so. But you cannot compel someone to give as part of the NT teaching. I agree with you, that there are many churches who compel this giving (a tithe) through erroneous teaching. Some do compel by attempting to place them under law. That is their error.

So, most of what you wrote in response to my post is not applicable. I talk of someone who is led by the Spirit of God to take on a task or to make an offering through the reading of the OT and NT scriptures. A rhema word. I was not referring to excusing the misapplication of the law as a part of NT doctrine… But the allowing of the Spirit to use the scriptures to bring about God’s living purpose.

Do you get my drift?

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