Out for a drive…

Linda and I were out for a drive the previous night. Around the bay counter clock wise. As we were proceeding to drive down Dundas (St? Rd?) by Dundurn Park I saw something peculiar happen to my windshield. The light was low and I could see these vertical bars moving through the glass. Funny, I never saw that before. After a minute of trying to figure it out what I was seeing I mentioned it to Linda. Oh, see was seeing the very same thing. Then at the same time we both knew the real answer to what we were seeing.


You know how some bugs love to hover over and around certain trees. I have seen them in my backyard often enough. Mostly harmless. So seeing bugs flying above the trees near sunset… nothing new. What was new were how many there were. They looked more like columns of smoke. Millions of the little critters above the tress and joining up between the trees. A shifting veil of life. Quite impressive as Linda and I rolled up the windows so we wouldn’t be eating the low flying ones.

I guess the city’s new “environmentally friendly” program when it comes to pesticides is really working. Where we had a few bugs before you can now make friends with uncountable hordes of these delightful pests. And even better… it is still early in the season. I can hardly wait to see what happens next.

Fly! Fly! Fly away home!

One Response to “Out for a drive…”

  1. patti says:

    I guess we need more bats and birds to EAT the bugs!! 🙂