Susan Boyle…

Everyone sees the shell… aged… coloured by time… funny looking… yet when the shell is finally opened… not by force but by love… it is then you find a pearl of great price… hidden… now revealed…

Susan Boyle video

A tear flowed from my eye as I watched the video. Not many tears because I had to hold them back… it’s a man thing… yet sometimes joy draws them forth… and surprise… that lone tear was joined by many others…

May God smile on your future Susan…

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2 Responses to “Susan Boyle…”

  1. patti says:

    Smile, laugh, cry, cheer, applaud and then resort to heartfelt silence!


  2. Dougie G says:

    I wanted to comment on your last post. but it wouldn’t let me. About a week ago, I was going to work over the skyway bridge, and saw what i thought was a kite caught in the power lines. Upon closer examination(trying not to crash my van while straining my neck to look) there were three guys para-sailing just off the shore. They were so close to shore it looked like their sails were caught in the wires. Never seen that before! Some people will do anything for a thrill.

    Susan Boyle was surprisingly good. I think we know what she has been doing in her spare time in between looking after her elderly mother.

    *Hi Dougie… the reason you couldn’t post on the previous post is that I have changed my preferences so people only have a two week window to post comments. After having done that I get a lot less… a LOT less spam that I have to clean up. Sooo… keep them comments coming… always glad to read what you have to say. 🙂