Feast or Famine?

So November came around and was almost over when I thought… “hmmm, I haven’t read the bible yet this year.” Oh I read small passages from time to time but READ the bible as a whole? I usually like to read the bible trough once a year from start to finish. When I use to work I would read during my lunch hours. Not working and suddenly I don’t have the time, or should I say don’t make the time. So over the last decade my reading was more or less a feast or famine approach. Oh, I’m into the feasting part and will finish in the next week. Yet for ten and half months it was famine then one month of feasting… and that made for a leanness of the soul. Perhaps next year I’ll get back to regular meals and steady growth. But as for now… pass the bible and cram another gospel into my spirit.


2 Responses to “Feast or Famine?”

  1. Don G says:

    Well, that’s one way of getting through it. I don’t think I could digest so much spiritual food in such a short time. I think I’d either get indigestion or fall asleep. I like the organized approach. Crossroads published a set of 24 booklets some years ago. Each booklet pertains to a specific month and is a kind of commentary on the passage read each day. It takes you through the Bible in two years. I’m just about to complete the fourth circuit. That’s eight years. At the beginning of each two year period, I swich to another version. I’m just completing a circuit with The Message. It’s interesting to share the different approaches that each of us have to these matters.

  2. Dougie G says:

    Yes. It’s one thing to read it and another to really understand what you are reading. Paul talks about being able to digest the “meat” of the word. I love the motto of our church ” To make the word of God fully known”. When you get served a good meal every week, it really gives you something to chew on!