Woke up and had my breakfast. Finished watching the 700 club. Ah well, time to go upstairs and check the email etc. Stepped into the office…
My senses are reeling. Something has changed and I grope for reality. Mental confusion as my mind tries to sort out the great changes that have taken place. Finally my eyes rest on the office window. Something strange is happening. I feel a slight breeze moving through the room. Earthy sents fill my nostrils. Birds chirping while I hear the hum of traffic in the back ground.
Aha! Now I understand. The window is OPEN. I stare at it for some moments. I try to grasp the importance of what I see. Another sign that it is not only warmer outside… It must be spring too.
As I understand the situation, Winter ends on March 21 each year and since Spring follows Winter, then, on March 21, it must be Spring. Further, Spring ends on June 21 each year and that sets off Summer. What I don’t understand is why it would take from March 21 to April 18 for your senses to go reeling, making you grope for reality and bringing mental confusion, leading to the conclusion that Spring has caused these strange feelings. Are you sure that the open window brought this unusual sensation or were you indulging in some liquid elixir used as vehicle for medicinal agents ?
Well Don, you know that I am nothing but a big cuddly bear of a guy. And like my furry counterpart I seem to go into mental hibernation for the winter. It isn’t until that first whiff of warm comes down from the cave opening that Mr Bear rouses and goes forth looking for something to eat. I too, it seems, am just following my nature… 😉
That’s it! You are a real bear. I knew it! Welcome to spring Mr. Bear. You’ll have to get your honey and have some lunch on Sunday. 🙂
Did you happen to notice the fragrance of freshly cut grass in amongst the warmth?? I got a wiff Friday – and promptly sneezed. Ah yes…spring = construction + allergies! Did I mention that I’m more of a fall person?
Fall is my favorite time of year too. That’s when I take my holidays. NO BUGS!……. and nice weather. Warm during the day and cool at night.
Poifect Poindexta.
Dougie… I always bring my honey to church… I call her Linda. 😉
Cool fall nights are just perfect for bonfires! Mmmmm smores! I love the changing colours, the smell of the leaves….perfect!!
Spring is such a hopeful time…gets me dreaming about fall again!