Dune: House Harkonnen

Dune: House Harkonnen by Brian Herbert w/ Kevin J Anderson
Published by: Bantam Books
Science Fiction

Dune House Harkonnen is the second book in a trilogy. Although this book continues in the tradition of the others it does spend a bit more time covering the characters and history of house Harkonnen. If there is to be evil in the Dune saga you can always count on the Harkonnen’s to lead the way. Though I did find that Abulard, the Baron’s relative, to be the only example in the family line that was nice. Wouldn’t mind having them as neighbours. The torture, the treachery, the total disregard for human life, by the rest of this family cannot be equalled by anyone else.

The trilogy covers a period of about forty years. This book covers the middle twenty plus years. It is interesting how quickly paced the book covers history. Quite a few characters found in the first book die in this book. Since I have read the other two books in the trilogy I might as well say here that I found the saga of the early years, from old Duke Paulas to the birth of his grandson Paul, to be a highly interesting read for those who love sci-fi.

Unlike me, you should read the books in sequence. The order of this Dune trilogy is:

  1. House Atreides
  2. House Harkonnen
  3. House Corrino


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