Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Libyan Civil War – Almost Over?

Monday, August 29th, 2011

Libyan Civil War – Almost Over?

The remnant of Gaddafi’s forces have gathered in the town of Sirte. It is the last stand of the war. Will there be a battle, a siege or a quick surrender? It is too early to tell. There seem to be reports coming out that the rebels, that hodgepodge group of malcontents, have begun to kill some of those who have been captured. After all, the conflict was primarily of a tribal nature and not political. It is like the conditions that existed in Iraq under Hussein. One tribe holding most, if not all, of the power. The Sunni Muslims against the Shia Muslims and other disenfranchised groups.

We in the west think that there is a move afoot to bring true democracy to that repressive regime. That the removal of the dictator will usher in a time of peace and prosperity. If Iraq is any example we should expect a greater sectarian divide. We should also look forward to the increased persecution of minorities within their borders. After all, under the new Iraqi regime, the Christian population was harassed, beaten, bombed and killed with impunity by the new light of understanding that flowed from above. The Christian population has dropped from two million to about five hundred thousand as many flee oppression. Are other groups also suffering? I do not know for the voices are most likely silenced.

Oh, there will be an election in Libya, eventually. A new constitution will be drafted which will include Sharia Law as its foundation (even more than it is now). In time women will be demeaned. Christian, Jews and others will be given second class status. The region will come firmly under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. Another building block of the Caliphate will be cemented into place. The West will be placed in a more precarious position. This is just one possibility.

This possibility was not a sure thing while Gaddafi was in power. Dictatorships do not like the Muslim Brotherhood. They are resisted by every government where power flows from one individual. To think that replacing one dictator, while at the same time laying the foundations of a one world Islamic government, is foolhardy and short sighted. The establishing of this one world government, this Caliphate, is the prime objective of the Brotherhood. Its system of rule is Sharia. It is anathema to any freedom loving people.

Our nation and the coalition of the willing, those NATO countries that have joined into a pact to guarantee peace and safety to their freedom loving populace, have entered the war in Libya. They have launched 20,000+ sorties of which 7,000+ were strike sorties. These were done to enforce an arms embargo, establish a no-fly zone, and protect civilians from the threat of attack. Yet the rebels were being supplied with munitions and expertise. Nothing was stopping the West from flying and bombing Gaddafi’s forces. Even when Gaddafi’s troops were withdrawing they didn’t lift a finger to stop civilians/fighters being killed by the rebel forces. This action by NATO, under the political cover of the UN, was not neutral. It had no prospects of peace being negotiated between the grieving parties. It was and is the act of war against a declared enemy. It is not a civil war. It is not a police action. It is a “world war” in miniature.

This war will soon be over and by winning this war we may have shot ourselves in our own foot. Will democracy flourish in Libya? Nothing that we would recognize in our own country. It will be a Muslim Brotherhood vision of Islamic supremacy. Some day we may have to fight that very democracy. Why? Because at their core, their very heart, they want the world under the coming Caliphate and they will take whatever actions are necessary, to bring the conditions about, to make it the reality on this planet we share.

My prayer is that men (and especially women) of courage will stand up in the weeks to come and fight for the establishment of a true democracy, with protections for all and for the equal treatment of all.

If they can muzzle the Muslim Brotherhood then there will reason to hope for a better future.

US Health Care Plan and the Lack of Job Growth

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

The American economy suffered a setback as, Bush was about to leave office and it appeared that Obama was going to win the election. It started as a bank bust and many other banks had their necks on the chopping block. One TARP plan and the banks were saved. The US did not enter into a state of depression. Yet the collapse of the housing bubble continued and the country entered into a recession as, Bush left office and Obama took the reigns of power.

The plan worked out in this transition period, by both democrats and republicans, went into action. After so many job losses the bleeding eventually stopped, relatively speaking. More jobs were being created than jobs lost. However hope of a quick turn around was soon dead. Job growth was only about half of what was expected. It meant that the economy would take twice as long to recover, but it would recover.

Then came Obama Care. A health plan to insure all Americans. It was pushed through a Congress and a Senate that the democrats controlled. Even though most Americans rejected the plan, Obama covered his ears so he could not hear the outcry to stop. The following mid-term elections was a wake-up call to stop government growth, in size and spending, and a rejection of the health care plan. The wake-up call fell on deaf ears. The plan, the growth, the spending is going forward unabated. The result, a job growth so slow that it would take a decade or more to turn around. Even that assessment is too optimistic.

One would think that the problem of very slow job growth would be difficult, if not almost impossible, to turn around. Yet the collapse of the meagre job growth was not due to the increase in spending from the stimulus plans. The slow growth of jobs, reduced to a creep, came about from that single action taken by the government. That action, that act, was the passing of the health care plan. It is the great unknown facing every company, both small and large. How much red tape? How much will it cost the employer? How much will everyone’s cost for insurance increase, both business and personal?

It can’t be all the blame of the health care plan? Probably not. But with conditions the way they are, adding this huge unknown burden to business at this time, was a foolish step. The banks withhold money because of uncertainty. Businesses also are withholding jobs because of uncertainty. Nobody wants to buy… because of uncertainty. Look at the job creation stats. They were rising slowly prior to passage of the health care plan. After the health care plan passed and was signed into law the job growth stats levelled off. Sadly, the only reason the unemployment rate has levelled off is because people are falling off the grid. Kind of insane if you ask me. You measure the unemployment rate by those receiving benefits, and fail to include those who are still unemployed but no longer qualify to collect benefits. The unseen, not measured, blot on the economic picture.

Obama’s health care plan, and it is his plan with some modifications, is the major reason for the continuing problem of minimal job growth. Even a trillion dollars a year in increased spending can’t turn this young mule around. The roll of bureaucrats is increasing and miles of red tape are being prepared. Businesses fear two things: the cost of the program and the red tape that will accompany it. It isn’t the only thing that worries business, perhaps they could weather the storms of financial woes coming from overseas. They won’t be able to do that if they are tied down by greater expense and regulation at home.

It is the government minions trussing up the business Colossus. Remind you of anything?

a sketch of little people tying down the american economy

Wrapping with Care the Colossus

Ahem, Gulliver and the Lilliputians if you missed the reference.

Jack Layton Passes – Legacy?

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Jack Layton Passes – Legacy?

It was sad news to hear that Jack Layton had passed away. It came as no surprise to those who watched him address the news groups saying that he was temporarily leaving as leader of the NDP to concentrate on fighting the resurgence of cancer in his body. I did not hold out too much hope that he would recover. He was an amiable enough fellow with the charm to touch others as well as the strength to lead them. He will be missed.

His Legacy? He left the NDP as the official opposition in the federal parliament. That alone is a major feat of accomplishment for a party that always ended up no better than third. The vast number of seats came from Quebec and was at the expense of the Bloc.

I always looked at Quebec politics as something from the left, a movement more reminiscent of the French Revolution than of the signing of the Magna Carta. Something that is willing only to tear down the powers that be, to build a new regime of repressive freedoms through unruly masses. OK, that is probably a lot darker than the reality but it is the spirit behind it.

On hearing the election results my first thought was, “finally a conservative majority government.” Thirty years ago I would have looked upon it as a left leaning Liberal win. Yes, party politics have slidden that far to the left where the old left is now the new right. Has the Quebec populous done the same thing in this past election. Knowing that they could never gain enough power to change Canada the way they want, have they come together to hijack their political cousins? Have the seperatists, knowing they can’t separate the country, made a play to gain enough power that would help them separate powers away from the federal and put it in the hands of the provinces?

The interim leader of the NDP is Nycole Turmel. Surprise! She was a card carrying member of two separatist parties: one federal and the other provincial. Is this only the tip of a French iceberg? How many others were elected in Quebec who are closet separatists? This is the question I asked myself that night when the results came across my television screen. That is why the news that Turmel was a card carrying separatist came as no surprise to me. I expected it. Was Jack making Turmel the interim leader of the NDP a political play to disqualify her from becoming the new leader? That I may never know.

While Jack was alive there was hope that he could have lead the party down a path that could have made the country a stronger player in the world. A country that could take care of its own people as well. With him gone a new leader will have to be chosen. Canada can only hope (and I suggest we pray) that the NDP will once again pick a stellar light to guide their party through this night of sadness, and through the future days of economic uncertainty.

Fear Silencing Dissent

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

Fear Silencing Dissent

Recently Sun News Media did an interview with Margie Gillis. See my last blog entry: about my thoughts on the interview. What worries me is the actions taken by some members of the arts community and their supporters. They have sent in complaints to the CRTC (Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunication Commission) and the CBSC (Canadian Broadcast Standards Council) to try and muzzle The Sun News Network. Perhaps even get them to loose their licence. This is no different than people or organizations using the Human Rights Committees to attack people with whom they disagree.

Why am I concerned? Simply put, I worry that I may say something that would offend an individual or group and the heavy fist of government would take aim to smash me. I am not rich but on a Canada Disability Pension. If I have to procure the services of a lawyer to defend myself against an accusation it would ruin me and my wife. It would not matter if the accusation was unfounded. The process itself would destroy us simply by starting. Unless of course I pay a fine to the government and damages to the aggrieved party before the process goes too far. I have heard that many take this option because it is cheaper than fighting. The little guy with a blog is never the winner once the machinery starts to grind.

Do I write things that offend? It is hard to write something that wouldn’t offend someone, somewhere at some point in time. After I write I check my spelling. I check my grammar. I then spend more time trying to make my written offering as least offensive as I can while still trying to get the message across. I would do this without the threat that hangs over all who dare to express a politically incorrect opinion. Yet the threat is there! Sometimes I bite my tongue, I close the authoring program, I stay silent lest I should offend.

Why go silent? Fear! I would like to think that we live in a society that encourages discussion between differing ideas. I would be wrong. The freedom to dissent has been slowly eroding away for decades. How many pastors are afraid to take a firm stand on the issue of homosexuality? Politicians to speak about the potential dangers of Political Islam? Others to raise a voice on some hot political issue? Fear to be singled out. Fear to be ridiculed. Fear to be labelled as intolerant: Homophobic, Islamaphobic or any other mis-characterising label. The fear you might lose your ability (your right?) to express ideas through the internet, radio, television or print media. To lose your limited wealth. To lose your physical freedom.

Hate Speech? I am not talking about a “freedom” to incite hatred for an individual or a group, whoever they are, and seek to do them harm. That should never be allowed. Yet we must be able to express ideas and opinions that may incite anger in others. There can be anger toward the speaker/writer who offends the listener or anger towards a group who are the subject of that speech. Being angry with a person or group is not the same thing as hating that person or group. If something offends then perhaps that something should change. The things that anger some will never have a chance to change if we are too afraid to voice our concerns.

Are we sheep? We must not offend. We must be nice. That seems to be the mantra on the lips of those who are afraid to speak out. It is also on the lips of those who would silence dissent. What then arises from all this false peace? Bondage, of our thoughts, ideas and dreams. The way of truth will be lost in our journey of appeasement. We will lose our right to speak in schools, societies, churches/temples/synagogues and government… or the street corner. Too one degree or another it has already occurred. If we lose the freedom to speak the truth, no matter how distasteful the subject, then we will lose everything. Only those who truly hate will then speak. They will speak whether allowed or not. They will gain power. Those who would enslave us will stand un-opposed. The false shepherds will lead the flock to the slaughter.

Nice sheep… Quiet sheep… Dead sheep!

I want to quote the last verse of a poem I wrote:

Silently my soul bristles within
for common sense is replaced by false reason.
Satan’s laughter rings in the halls of power
as the errors are visited on this generation.
Where now are the voices of reason and insight
to call a people to repentance and prayer?
While it’s still day, before the waning light,
stand, stand, stand against the night!

Reevaluating Islam, A Broader Look.

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Reevaluating Islam, a broader look.

Between 10 and 20 years ago I bought an English version of the Quran. For the time it was written it appeared to me to be an improvement on the religions in that area of the world. It contained several factual errors regarding Christianity. As regards the treatment of prisoners taken in war, if you were a people of the book, a Jew or Christian, you were treated better than those of pagan faiths. Overall the faith of Islam as written in the Quran is an improvement over most faiths. It certainly does not measure up to Christianity as written in the New Testament.

Since 9/11 my understanding of the Quran has been challenged. I wanted to believe that the acts of terrorism perpetrated by those Islamists were done by a fringe element. As time went on I have seen many interviews, from Christian and Muslim sources, that simply told me that the conception I have of Islam is incorrect. I began to read other sources that I hoped would give me a better grasp of the true nature of Islam. I was saddened by what I discovered.

I would hear of a terrorist attack. I would implore the local Muslim community to stand up and disassociate themselves from those who perpetrated those crimes. There was no backlash from the Muslim community, in general, against those criminals. There were apologists and most others remained silent. It appeared that there were only a handful of Muslims that said these Islamic radicals are wrong in their actions and in their interpretation of Islamic Scriptures.

What have I discovered?

I discovered that only the last revelation attributed to Mohammed is of any force. If the later revelation contradicts an earlier revelation, such as would be found in the Quran, then the later revelation cancels the earlier. Therefore if you truly want to understand the religion of Islam you must look to the later writings. These writings would be found in the haddith. You can also look into the writings that describe the life of The Prophet. As Christians look to the life of Jesus to see how the Scriptures are to come to life, Muslims must look to the life Mohammed to see how their Scriptures are to come to life. Christians look upon Jesus as the perfect man. Muslims look upon Mohammed as the perfect man.

The haddith and the life of The Prophet are a whole new set of revelations to me. It takes what is good in the Quran and debases it. It takes what is bad in the Quran and makes it far worse. How so? I always looked upon the Quran, first and foremost, as a personal, individual struggle to be the best man or woman a person can be. Secondly, there was a basis for law and government. The later writings turned this concept on its head. What is foremost is the establishment of world government under sharia law. It is the subjugation of the West and every idea that is contrary to Islam. It appears that the only peace the world can have with Islam is only a cessation of hostilities until the forces of Islam are strong enough to continue the struggle for world domination. It is even proper for a Muslim to lie to protect himself, family and or Islam.

Are these things true?

I don’t know for certain. I trust the sources that I have heard in interviews as well as the quotes and explanations from similar sources in writing. But how can I be certain that these statements, and the quotes taken from Islamic writings, are truly representative of the faith? I could read all of the haddiths and the life of The Prophet and come to my own conclusion. Yet even then Muslim scholars would say that I do not truly understand the writings because I have not read them in the original language. I do not have time, nor the inclination, to learn an entirely new language so that I could read a few books.

What is needed?

We must create new panels, new committees and greater opportunities for those with knowledge to share the truth. We must not be afraid to talk! Only with open dialogue can we hope to understand the true nature of Islam. We must not attack people for wanting to find out the truth. We should not arrest people for wanting to spread their perceived truth. It seems however in the West, in the heart of the politically correct establishments, that to raise objections against another religion or philosophy is tantamount to treason. Okay, a little hyperbole. Yet those who are on the religious right or secular right are always in danger of being ridiculed, marginalized or brought before a human rights commission.

Are we too afraid to talk? Is Islam a real danger? For some the answer is yes and yes. Of course for the rest the answer is no and no or some mix of the two. All I know is, if we can’t start talking openly and freely, we are the losers. It does not matter if the perceived dangers of Islam are true or false. Why? Because we would have already lost the struggle.

Debt Crisis Averted?

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

The deal is done! The debt crisis has been averted. At least that is what the left press are saying. Obama came riding on a white horse and reason prevailed. Hogwash!

The artificial crisis came about when Republican congressional leaders decided to use the increase of the debt ceiling as a tool to bring about change. There was much fear mongering among the left. This was made worse by pronouncements from Obama that Social Security checks would not go out if the United States defaulted on its debt. People were led to believe that if a deal was not struck before midnight of August 2nd the government would be in default. Not true. They would only be in default if they could not pay the interest due at that time and could not pay to redeem whatever bonds were not picked up again. There was enough cash flow to prevent that from occurring.

What then would have happened? There would have to be dramatic cuts in the budget so that they would not spend more than they were taking in. It could be done with some sacrifice. Those getting Social Security would more than likely get their checks in the mail. What would have to change is the size of the government that grew under Bush and more so under Obama. It is the expansion of the government that has created a huge debt burden. With the passage of the bill serious efforts to reign in spending can now be put off until after the 2012 elections.

But isn’t there going to be a dramatic drop in spending? I doubt that very much. They are talking about a savings of two trillion over ten years. That would mean that the debt during that same period will grow by at least eight trillion dollars. The crisis isn’t over. It hasn’t been postponed. It is being once again ignored. I remember the talks about the looming debt bomb back in the days of Nixon and every president since. Entitlement programs are grossly underfunded. Will the United States ever get the cajones to deal with this problem? Not until it is too late. In fact, it may be too late already.

A much bigger government. Stimulus plans that don’t work. A debt ceiling that is always raised. If that isn’t bad enough there is Obama care coming in 2012. The government will get even bigger. It will be bloated. I think of a carcass that has been in the water for too many days. This care package is the single greatest reason why the US economy hasn’t turned around. It is the great unknown liability and no one is willing to hire or expand until the full effect is known.

The Tea Party tried to stick to their guns. In the end they were not strong enough to change the course of the country. I know people are talking that it is the best deal under the circumstances. That is a sad comment about how serious elected officials are in saving their own country. It will have to be the main focus of the coming election. A stronger Tea Party faction in the House, more of them in the Senate and the presidency? Fiscal conservatives need to take the helm. They would be the most hated group of people ever elected if they truly want to redeem their country. If the next election is politics as usual, the sun will set and a long darkness will fall over the land. Who knows when the sun would rise again.

Anders Behring Breivik

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik

By this time in most countries, most of the people have heard of Anders Behring Breivik. He is a tall, blond haired, blue-eyed Norwegian. The first reports described Anders as a Christian. This is so far from the truth of the matter. He is a steadfast atheist. He never had a relationship with Jesus and quit going to church over 17 years ago. The news media have yet to print an apology to the Christian community for this error. Let us move on.

Anders in one day has committed two atrocious acts of violence upon an innocent people. The first group of people were those who were unfortunate enough to be passing by the offices of their Prime Minister. There was a bomb blast that killed several people and wounded many others. The second offense began an hour and a half later on a small little island populated by youths at a political camp meeting. The death toll there is approximately 76. They ranged in age from 15 to 25. Both of these acts of violence are horrendous in nature and should never be excused. One can only imagine the reason why Anders would perpetrate such an act of violence upon strangers.

When the first news reports of violence started coming out it was quickly attributed to Jihadist terrorists. Upon hearing of the news I reserved judgment. For some reason I was remembering the Oklahoma bombing where two people planted a car bomb outside a government building. At that time it was thought that it was an attack by Al Qaeda. I however thought that the attack may have been by homegrown terrorists taking retribution for the government’s attack on the Branch Davidian compound. I was right then. I was also right to hold judgment on the Norwegian attack. Anders is a homegrown terrorist. Now the whole world knows that this lone gunmen is a murderer of children.

Why? Why would such a man, raised in such a caring nation, bring such grief to the heart and soul of his neighbours? The answer can be found in his electronic book and on the video which he published on YouTube. The knee-jerk reaction, of the politically correct and the emotionally injured, to remove the video from circulation, is according to YouTube’s policy yet it is a disservice to those seeking the truth. I eventually found a copy on a Russian server. I expect that also to be deleted fairly quickly.

So what did I see? I saw a 12 min. commercial for his manifesto. His manifesto? I downloaded the manifesto as a 750,000 word PDF document. The document is a compilation of three books. I read the first 25 pages of the document. He described the relationship between Marxism and political correctness. There were lots of quotes from known Marxists. I only saw the tip of a long sword. Generally what he wrote about came as no surprise to me. In some ways it mirrored my own thinking. I only know a little bit about Marxism. Only a little bit about the redefinition of words to bring about a justification for rebellion. What I found of interest was how Anders strung together various Marxist authors to point out that the way to overthrow a nation was through the minds of the elite and not at the point of a gun in a peasant’s hand. Political Correctness is a tool that is used to overthrow traditional beliefs and the institutions built upon them.

I did not get far into his manifesto but his video commercial shed a strong light on what I could expect if I continue reading his e-book. I find this whole exercise interesting, for it reminds me of another manifesto I read, that was written by someone who most people consider to be evil. Who is this author? None other than Adolf Hitler in his book titled “Mein Kampf” and translated “My Struggle.” Anders has written far more than Adolf but at the heart they are similar. The scapegoat for Adolf were Jews and the scapegoat for Anders are Muslims. Adolf was not justified in how he portrayed the Jews. Anders however, can see a problem on the horizon that will only get worse with time. I believe that the answer at this time for this perceived problem is for Muslims to rise up and interfere, block and/or throw out the Jihadists among them. If the Muslim community does not do what is right, then the conflict which Anders sees in the future has a strong possibility of occurring.

One of the things that I worry about is a politically correct West laying down its arms and becoming too weak to fight for the rights of their people. There is a fight between old traditional values and the new mindthink. How will this all turn out in the end? I do not know, I am not a prophet. I do believe that when the struggle for survival comes, if the politically correct are in charge, and the Jihadist theology is not curtailed, then America and the West will lose the battle for men’s souls and what will remain is a worldwide Caliphate based on sharia law. Personally I do not believe that this would be a good result. I do not believe that it can even happen! But stranger things have occurred on our little planet and it is only one of many possible futures.

Anders is asking for people to stand up and become an army of righteousness. He is looking for people to join in a holy crusade. Yet there is nothing righteous or holy in what he wants to do. I can only hope that reason will overcome a bad philosophy (Political Correctness) and a worse theology (Jihadist Islam), and we can pull back from a conflict that could engulf all the nations of the earth. For if reason fails then Anders future Crusade will take place.

I know…. too vague… I could write a lot more but I am not in the mood to add my own manifesto. Specially at this time of grief.

Michel Thibodeau? Troublemaker or Crusader?

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

Michel Thibodeau has recently won a judgment against Air Canada for failing to provide French language services. News media have jumped all over Michel Thibodeau for standing up for his rights under the official languages act. What must be known about Mr. Thibodeau is that he is a crusader. Most people think of him as a troublemaker but to most French-Canadians he is a defender of their rights. I know, I know, that it is hard for the English speaking community to grasp the concept that Thibodeau is like a minor hero… Small “h.”

When I was a child growing up in Ontario in the 60’s it was not easy for French-Canadians to receive services from the federal government in French. To receive French language services in Ontario government institutions and corporations was very difficult. There was an organization called l’ACFO that took it upon themselves to fight for the rights of French-speaking people in Ontario to receive French language services from government institutions and corporations. I have seen their representatives in action. It was always an uphill struggle. Over time they won hard earned concessions. Eventually, it became a quasi-right for Francophones to receive services from the government in French. It became mandatory in areas of the province, where 10% of the population were French, to receive government services in French.

Let us go back to the birth of the nation. Two major languages were spoken, English and French, in Upper and Lower Canada. These two colonies strove to enter into a union that would benefit both French and English speaking people. In the act of 1867, that made two people one, it was established that in Parliament, the justice system and other government institutions, that services in both languages would be, and have to be, provided. This was a small government with a small reach. As the decades slipped by the size of the federal government increased. Many corporations came into existence and extended the reach of the federal government into the lives of all Canadians. French language services were not guaranteed in this larger mega-government. In 1969 legislation was enacted extending the right for French-speaking Canadians to receive these government services in the French language. But it is not all one-sided, for the law that gave the right to the French-speaking Canadians also enshrined the same right for English-speaking Canadians to receive services in English. This Official Languages Act was amended in 1987. Under the Charter of Rights protection of French and English Canadians were enshrined. Since then, the courts have ruled on various cases and further defined the limits and obligations of the federal government and its Crown corporations to provide services in both languages.

Michel Thibodeau versus Air Canada is an example of the protections given to all Canadians whether they speak English or French. Many people will complain, especially the English-speaking Canadians, that this was unfair. Yet this ruling is the natural outcome based on the long history of two peoples, two cultures, two languages, that united us in the beginning.

The majority of people, English-speaking, want to see an end or at least a revision of the Official Languages Act. They do not wish to live up to the obligations that helped found our country. They think it a nuisance, something that is unfair, fundamentally wrong… Yet it is the one thing that keeps our country strong and united. The sad thing is, most Quebeckers also think it is a nuisance, something unfair, fundamentally wrong! They want to see their French culture thrive. Fortunately for Canada, in the province of Québec, there has never been enough discontent to tear the country in two. Yet I can tell you now, that the whining and complaining that is currently being generated from the results of this court case, is helping the cause of “Separation.” My country is not French and it is not English, it is both. We are two people made one.

Michel Thibodeau? Troublemaker or crusader? A little of both. Annoying? Yes! Yet his nitpicking is important to all those whose major language, and possibly their only language, is French. To others, it was a nuisance suit and he is a nuisance, a continuing drip that sets the nerves on edge. I do not want to praise him, nor do I want to belittle him, he is simply a buzzing fly that is necessary.

Jack Layton and the NDP Convention

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

I went onto the computer and did my daily exercise of link walking. Oh, not to get anything new but to go to all the links I check first thing after turning on the computer for the first time of the day. Click favorites and go methodically down the list.

What… something new has been added! It wasn’t me so it must have been my mate. It read like a comical news release. This weekend the NDP are having their convention in Vancouver. So I naturally thought it must be talking about leader of the opposition Jack Layton and the building where the NDP delegates were gathering.

What was the title of the link in the favorites drop down list… “PROFESSOR LAYTON AND THE DIABOLICAL BOX.” What a hoot, what a laugh I got from reading the link title. This should be a fun read. So I click on the link and it brings me to a game walk-through that Linda is currently playing. Ah, what a shame. I really wanted a good laugh.

Then I think about the title once again. I think about the convention and everything that will be discussed. The new policies that will be adopted. Their efforts to come closer to the political center… and then I laugh because their convention really could be called… “PROFESSOR LAYTON AND THE DIABOLICAL BOX.”

Canadian Leaders Debate?

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

Canadian Politics? Debate? I find it ever so much like grasping the wind. Promises, complaints and platitudes for all in an attempt to win the hearts of the voters. The reality is reflected in this song… Smoke Gets In Your Eyes:

They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
Oh, I of course replied
Something here inside cannot be denied

They said someday you’ll find
All who love are blind
Oh, when your heart’s on fire
You must realize
Smoke gets in your eyes

So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed
To think they could doubt my love
Yet today my love has flown away
I am without my love

Now laughing friends deride
Tears I can not hide
Oh, so I smile and say
When a lovely flame dies
Smoke gets in your eyes
Smoke gets in your eyes

The Platters